

Do you think modern life is too stressful?

Do you think modern life is too stressful?

 i 現代社会とストレス、人は何によってストレスを感じるのだろうか。やはり仕事に関してだと思う。

o 現代社会は非常にストレスだと思う。

r1 日本では東京で仕事をする場合毎日満員電車に乗らないといけない

e1 満員電車では読書などもする事は出来ないし、会社に到着した時には既に疲れてしまっている。

r2 会社で働く場合は競争社会のため、毎日のノルマを達成しないといけない。

e2 毎日営業のために電話をしたり、お客様からクレームを言われても、給料のために働かないといけない環境はとてもストレスフルだと言える。

c 現代社会の特に都会で働く人々は生きるためにも日々ストレフルな状況にあると言える。


What causes people to feel stress? There are many reasons, but the most stressful factor is working I think and most people have to work in this society, so I think modern life is too stressful.
I live in Tokyo, and many employees have to commute by train. Using trains is very stressful, especially in Tokyo, because Tokyo is one of the most crowded cities in the world. When we get on the train in the morning, we feel so many people are jammed. We cannot find seats or we cannot even read a book. According to the scientist, if our commute time is more than one hours and crowded, our productivities become twenty percent less than other people. Employees also feel very exhausted when they get to the office.
Competitive society is another reason to feel stress. If we work at a private company, we need to make a profit, so we have to work hard and long hours. We need to call every day and to meet customer's demands, we have to apologize whatever the reason is.
In this society, we tend to like to feel stress, so it is important how to manage our stress. (194words)