



r1 若者は飲める量を知らない

e1 飲み過ぎて暴力を振るってしまい、逮捕される可能性がある

r2 若いうちに飲むと脳にダメージが蓄積される

e2 認知機能が低下する



In Japan, we can drink alcohol over twenty, and I think the government should not change the drinking age for the following reasons.

Young generations don't understand how much they can drink, so if they can start drinking when they become 18, they will drink too much, and it will sometims cause serious problems such as violence or driving a car.

If they are arrested such a young age, their future careers must be devastating.

Drinking alchol also damage our brains. if they can start drinking such a young age, the amount of alcohol damage remain for many years, which will cause cognitive decline or other serious illnesses related to brains.

For those reasons, they should start drinking alcohol at least over twenty years 

124 words.