

Do you think Japanese public baths should accept people with tattoos?(英検準一級レベル)

Do you think Japanese public baths should accept people with tattoos?


o 1受け入れるべき



r2 観光資源になる




I think Japanese public baths should accept peope with tatoos since the number of turists has raised last ten years in Japan.

There are many people in this world who have tatoos for many reasons.

Some poeple think tatoos are just fashion and others have tatoos because of their cutural reasons. We tend to think tatoos are simbol of crime but it is just prejudice.

I think if Japanese baths continue not to accept people with tatoos, it will cause discrimination.

Second reason is for revenue. There are many famous hot springs in Japan and many people are coming from all over the world, so if they accept them, it will  make huge profits for Japan. Furthermore, most people can use the Interner and they can share their ecperiences using SNS, so if they can enjoy public baths, they will share their exepriences,or write positive reviews, and more and more people will also visit Japan.

For our future understanding and profits, we need to accept people with tatoos no matter their reasons are.